Delay the deregeneration process

Yusuf Guenes

Together with Dr med. Yusuf Gunes of the praxis Integrative Medizin in Cologne we are working on a new liposomal formulation to reduce and delay the deregeneration of the human being. It is foodsupplement for internal use. He already has a experience with the main ingredient and we are proud in the trust he has […]

’Liposomes, The “Magic Bullets” of today and the future’’

A liposome is an artificial vesicle consisting of a double, concentric, folded phospholipid layer. Phospholipids are amphiphilic lipids, so they contain a polar group (hydrophilic head) and an apolar group (lipophilic tail). Liposomes should not be confused with micelles. Micelles consist of a single lipid layer in the form of a sphere and contain surfactants […]

What are Lecithins and Phospholipids

What are Lecithins and Phospholipids

Lecithins are a mixture of lipids which contain minimum of 50% polar lipids. These polar lipids (phospholipids) are the active ingredients of lecithin and impart to it the properties which make it suitable for use. Phospholipids are lipids containing phosphorus, a polar head and nonpolar tails. They are essential lipids of biological membranes. Based on […]

World Kidney Day – 10 March 2022

Liposomes, The “Magic Bullets” of today and the future

Do you know the villains that can damage you kidney?  Painkillers, Reactions to antibiotics, Abuse of illegal drugs, injections of contrast dues before an x-ray or CT scan, Bowel preparations for colonoscopy and so on. Do you know the villains that can damage you kidney?  Painkillers, Reactions to antibiotics, Abuse of illegal drugs, injections of […]